Friday 14 June 2019

TOP 12 Effective Ways to Build Entrepreneurial Skill.

1. Take a different path:- Creativity is the ability to see things differently and to provide solutions where there are gaps. To build your creativity entrepreneur skill, intentionally try something new and Travel to an unexpected spot. Talk to a  people that are out of your are the circle of comfort.

2. Start a business:- There is nothing like real-world experience. Whether you run a business on the side or full-time, you get the opportunity to grow your Entrepreneur skill such as business planning, sales, and marketing.

3. Learn from a mentor:- The value of a mentor is priceless when it comes to building your entrepreneurial skill. Rather than make all the mistakes yourself. And Mentors are not only great sounding boards for your ideas but they also can be fantastic cheerleaders when the going gets tough. If you are lucky. Then Some mentors will be happy to teach you in exchange for you helping them out in their own business.

4. Keep learning:- Keep your own learning and personal development active. There are many courses online, both free and paid, that teach a variety of entrepreneurial skills. With is such easy access to knowledge and there really is no excuse and that is you can’t build skills to succeed as an entrepreneur.

5. Get involved with other entrepreneurs:- Whether it’s attending entrepreneurial events, seminars or meetups; spending time with other entrepreneurs will help you grow in your own entrepreneurial skills. If you have the time and guts, you can compete in an entrepreneur competition where any gaps in your entrepreneurial skills will be revealed very quickly.

6. Practice communication skills:- The entrepreneurs have learned how we to communicate their passion and dreams in an engaging way,  like online and offline. To learn how to speak publicly in a group, offer to speak at workplace parties. To improve your online communication entrepreneur skills active on your social media accounts set up an online Facebook group or create a newsletter on your favorite topic.

 7. Delay gratification:- Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, Solar City set himself a challenge to live on only $1 a day to see if he had what it took to lead a life as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs to have to get used to countless failures and almost zero rewards. To train yourself to be able to delay gratification, start a small business.

 8. Manage your own finances:- Understanding basic finance is essential in running your own company. You don’t have to be an accountant, but you should at least be able to understand the basics around cash flow, and profit and loss.

 9. Volunteer to lead:- The ability to lead a team and stay organized is important when you become an entrepreneur. You can start business by looking for volunteer and leadership opportunities.  the Volunteer to lead a Meetup group, start a fundraising project for your favorite non-profit organization or get involved with your local community board. By getting involved in bigger roles, even if unpaid, you get to practice your time management, leadership and teamwork skills.

 10. Stick with challenges:- Every successful entrepreneur has learned to develop their perseverance and tenacity muscles. The life of an entrepreneur is never smooth sailing, and it takes guts to keep a going when people doubt your abilities. To build perseverance and create a goal or challenge that is meaningful and don’t give yourself the to quit. Alternatively, give yourself a deadline to aim towards.
 11.Work in sales:- In every business, sales play a vital role in the survival, sustainability, and the success of a business. You can have the product in the world but if you don’t know how to sell it, it is worthless., you will pick up valuable skills, and such as learning how to ask the questions of your prospect and researching your target market.

12. Help others with their businesses:- Being an entrepreneur is about solving problems with the resources that you have. The more you help others solve problems with their own businesses, the more your own entrepreneurskills will grow.

Friday 7 June 2019

Best Small Business ideas for Entrepreneur in 2019.

1.  Fast Food Joint:- Starting a fast food joint is one of the small business ideas. Although the industry already has a lot of big sharks like 
McDonald's, KFC, etc. you can make profits if the location and food quality are great. They also search for the nearest food joint for home delivery. All thanks to Google maps. Apart from food quality, in order to get the attention of customers.

2.  Photography:- Photography is not only about capturing pictures but emotions too. Taking pictures is now no more a hobby. It has turned into a business now. In 2015, the digital photography market was estimated to reach $77.66 billion; it is expected to touch $110.79 billion marks by 2021. the most successful small business ideas. the social media page where you can tag your clients and gain popularity.

3.  Website Design:- In today’s digital world, you will hardly find any company that doesn’t have its own website. Even if it is a one-page website, having an online presence has become necessary for businesses. If you have all the required skills, then having a business of website design can be the best option for you.  This is one of the small business ideas, which has really worked well for many.

4.  Food Truck Business:- People who love to cook or experiment with food usually dream to have their own restaurant. But unless and until someone is lucky enough to get funding during the initial stage, not everyone can afford to make such a big investment. If you are short of money then opening a food truck business can be one of the small business ideas with low investment.  And if you are lucky enough to get a great response, you may think of converting your food truck business into a restaurant business.

5. Travel Planning:- With the increase in the traveling cost, people are looking for different deals and ways to save their money. If you know that you can find great deals on rental cars then you can start your online travel planner business. the start-up cost of this business is very less. Even if you are working for some organization and want to start a business.

6. Agriculture Business:- Agriculture business is all about the production and marketing of agricultural goods through farming items related to crops and livestock. If you have vacant land that is suitable for agricultural activities.
list of business ideas in agriculture:
• Agriculture Farm
• Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer Production
• Fertilizer Distribution Business
• Poultry Farming
• Bee Keeping Business
• Fish Farming
• Basket Weaving
• Dried Flower Business
• Dairy Farming
• Fruits And Vegetable Farming

7.  Interior Designer:- It is one of the most creative business ideas to start your entrepreneurial journey. The trend of interior designing is growing tremendously. The industry has become so competitive and flourished that individuals have started considering new business ventures in this niche. Interior designing business requires meeting new clients every day. In order to make an impression and market yourself, you need an impressive business card.

8. Event Planning:- If you are extremely organized, detail oriented individual, who loves to organize parties, then you have the right personality to start an event planning business. You may either choose to specialize in a specific type of an event like a wedding, birthday parties, company meetings, etc. The biggest advantage of having an event planning company is that if your clients like your work you can get repeated clients and those clients may help you in finding new ones.